Monthly Archives: October 2013

It’s been way toooo long.

Well it’s been way too long since I’ve posted. March….I can’t believe it’s been that long. Lots has been going on for me. But God walks with me daily. I stay connected as best I can and I stop and look and listen for direction.

By the grace of God, I’m detaching myself from issues between my daughters and my granddaughter. I’m also doing what I can to avoid being codependent with our hopefully recovering drug addict grandson. He is in an out patient recovery program with Kaiser as we speak. Hopefully he will be entering a full time in house recovery program in the near future. He’s been on the street, by choice since mid July. It’s been scary at times but as of yesterday my tough love has paid off. By the Grace of God he has full coverage with Kaiser and at this time he doesn’t have to pay a co-pay. How blessed is that???

So I continue to Praise God no matter what. Trusting that God is in the midst of all that is going on. I know that God loves my children more than I do and that God is willing to guide and protect them all. I pray daily that their hearts and minds be open to the Wisdom of God’s perfect will for them and then I let them go.

On the bright side Bob and I have been getting our home into great shape. We redecorated the master bedroom and bath. Both rooms are painted a lovely yellow. We also had the exterior of our home painted, including new gutters. Lot’s of other odd jobs have been completed. We have cleaned out closets and cupboards and are working on the outside sheds. All in all we will be able to sit back and enjoy our home and hopefully share it all with family and friends.

Well that’s it for today. I pray I am able to write more soon.


Remember to feed your soul!!!


Posted by on October 5, 2013 in Uncategorized